31. | Lu, L., 2010, "Factors influencing the labor participation of older people in Taiwan: A social psychological perspective (II)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2420-H-002-200-KF3.. |
30. | Lu, L., 2009, "Factors influencing the labor participation of older people in Taiwan: A social psychological perspective (I).", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2420-H-002-200-KF3.. |
29. | Lu, L., 2009, "Reciprocal relations among work demands/resources, work-to-family conflict, and work consequences: A three-wave panel study (I).", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC97-2410-H-002-201-MY3.. |
28. | Lu, L., 2009, "The Chinese bicultural views of the self: Individual-oriented and social-oriented psychological perspectives (I).", Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 97R0064-26.. |
27. | Lu, L., 2008, "Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions (IV)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC96-2752-H-002-019-PAE.. |
26. | Lu, L., 2008, "Attitudes towards the aged (aging): Their correlates, and relations with behavioral intentions among the Taiwanese people (II)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2420-H-008-001-KFS.. |
25. | Lu, L., 2007, "Attitudes towards the aged (aging): Their correlates, and relations with behavioral intentions among the Taiwanese people", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2752-H-008-002-PAE. |
24. | Lu, L., 2007, "Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions(III)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2752-H-008-002-PAE. |
23. | Yang, K. S. & Lu, L., 2007, "Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (III)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC95-2413-H-431-001. |
22. | Lu, L., 2006, "Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions(II)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2752-H-008-002-PAE. |
21. | Yang, K. S. & Lu, L. (2006)., 2006, "Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (II).", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2413-H-431-001. |
20. | Lu, L. & Kao, S.F. (Eds.), 2006, "Psychology applied to modern life.", Taipei: Thomson. |
19. | Lu, L., 2006, "Ratings of psychological journals.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2413-H-008-003. |
18. | Lu, L., 2005, "Individual- and social-oriented views of self: Conceptualization, measurement and adaptational functions(I)", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC93-2752-H-030-001-PAE. |
17. | Yang, K. S. & Lu, L. (2005)., 2005, "Psychological traditionality and modernity: Expanding theoretical framework and developing measurement (I).", National Science Council, Taiwan,, NSC93-2413-H-431-001.. |
16. | Lu, L., 2004, "The fit between personal and societal culture and its impact on adjustment among the Chinese people", Department of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4-2 (92-3-4). |
15. | Lu, L., 2003, "Adjustment to parenthood transition: A longitudinal follow-up from prenatal to postpartum", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC91-2413-H-030-002-SSS. |
14. | Lu, L., 2003, "Individual oriented and social oriented SWB: Conceptual analysis and measure development", Department of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4-2 (91-3-4). |
13. | Lu, L., 2002, "Self-other relation and the operation of self", Department of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4-2 (90-3-3). |
12. | Lu, L., 2001, "Adjusting to be first-time parents: A panel study", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC89-2413-H-037-008. |
11. | Lu, L., 2001, "Self-construals, cultural values and happiness: A cross-cultural comparison between Taiwan and Britain", Department of Education, Taiwan, DOE89-H-FA01-2-4. |
10. | Lu, L., 2000, "Managerial stress and well-being in the Greater China.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC88-2413-H-037-002.. |
9. | Lu, L., 1999, "Effects of Chinese cultural values, positive and negative social interactions on happiness.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC87-2413-H-037-002. |
8. | Lu, L., 1998, "Culture and happiness: A Taiwan-Britain comparison.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC87-2413-H-037-001. |
7. | Lu, L., 1997, "Role satisfaction and happiness in adulthood.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC86-2413-H-037-004. |
6. | Lu, L., 1996, "Correlates of happiness of the Chinese people.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC85-2413-H-037-002. |
5. | Lu, L., 1996, "Satisfaction toward hospital services, social support, and life satisfaction of the community elderly with chronic conditions.", Department of Health, Taiwan, DOH85-TD-104. |
4. | Lu, L., 1995, "Potential negative effects of social support.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC83-H301-H-037-008. |
3. | Lu, L., 1994, "Functional social support and health among community elderly.", Department of Health, Taiwan, DOH-83-HP-47-5S01. |
2. | Lu, L. (1994)., 1994, "The occupational stress indicators.", Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Taiwan, IOSH83-M243. |
1. | Lu, L., 1994, "The Psychosocial perspectives on quality of life and its correlates.", National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC82-H301-H-037-006. |